Wednesday, June 30, 2010

alternative transport

Hello, Part of making the transition to a simpler life,in my view,is enjoying a more Car Free lifestyle. To this effect,i have the use of my mid-nineties customized Specialized commuting bicycle, and my EGO electric powered scooter.I get a lot of pleasure from the use of these two machines. Eventually, i will part with my daily driver. but have to definitely have it one more winter!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

on the hard and Fire service retirement in sight!

Hello, all, Its been a while since last post,so,i wanted to update blog. Gypsy,is on the hard. I need to do some minor work, such a zinc replacement, andneed to put the mast up, and tune the new rigging, as it had time to stretch. I have already decided on a retirement from the Fire Service. It will take place exactly a year from now!. Of course , the cruising plans havent been determined yet! so, chart purchases are still in the works. I will be attending a RKC certification,in the fall of this year (KETTLEBELL CERTIFICATION). I hope to be able to teach ,people, the proper use,of this most effective and brutal fitness and conditioning tool. This should take place as i start to transition, into a new chapter of my life.